Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolution Checklist

I love my computer, and I love looking at other people's blog. I have had a few people suggest that I make one, so here it goes. I think this new found interest in blogging comes from my new found interest in becoming a better mommy. That is why I chose to name this blog Riner's mommy. I have things I love, and things I need to work on. The things I need to work on are my new New Years Resolutions. I have not made New Years resolutions in YEARS because I feel that most people do not keep them, and I was the worse. A friend posted this comic on facebook and it sums up how I have felt about resolutions


Anyways.... even though I feel this way... This year a feel a desperate need to be better at things, so I am making new years resolutions. When I sat down to actually make them, I just thought off all the things I just thought of everything I would like to change or be better at. Anyways here they are... all "scrapped" up :)

Since I realistically know that I will more than likely NOT keep all of these resolutions, I decided to make sure I stick with 3, and if I don't stick to one, then I cross it off. When I get down to 3 those will be the ones I  "have" to stick to. Since those are the  3 I am down to, then they will hopefully be the ones that are the easiest to keep. That is my idea anyway. Hope it works. Happy New Year!!!!!

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